(310) 979 2184

Parents Association

Family dressed in costumes

A community that supports without judgment

Parents are an integral part of Park Century School, and their involvement creates a community within the school.

Each parent is automatically a member of the Parents Association (PA). Our PA works closely with the faculty and administration to promote service learning and events that help unite our families and build long-lasting friendships. The PA is responsible for several school activities and events, which include:

Monthly PA Meetings

Parents can provide input on what they would like to see at PA meetings as well as help schedule and host the PA meetings.

Communication and Support

Room parents and host families provide support to families new to Park Century.

Special Events

The Parent Association assists with many social events to help build community and lasting friendships. Some of these events include: ​

  • Back to School BBQ
  • Gratitude Celebration
  • Spring Book Fair
  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon, and more!
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We are a new family—and have felt very welcomed.

How can you get involved?

There is an opportunity to suit every talent, interest, and time commitment level. Parents can sign-up for volunteer opportunities at the beginning of each school year or by dropping an email to Rob Woodworth by clicking here.

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